miércoles, 25 de enero de 2017

INGLÉS: Primer trimestre

En cuanto a la asignatura de inglés, os proporciono los exámenes de PAU de años anteriores (o ejercicios similares con relación a los mismos textos) totalmente resueltos.
Estos exámenes incluyen un texto y en relación a él los siguietnes ejercicios:
      - Preguntas con información contenida en el texto
      - Verdadero o falso indicando las líneas donde se dice
      - Ejercicio de gramática que puede incluir rephrasing, condicionales, relatives clauses y demás           contenidos gramaticales de todo el bachillerato.
      - Ejercicio de vocabulario (por lo general, búsqueda de sinónimos en el texto)
      - Redacción (libre, ventajas y desventajas o ensayo).
A- Why do the students questioned find language learning so difficult?
Because study a language is less interesting than study another subject and furthermore, they haven’t got enough confidence levels in speaking a language that it’s not theirs. As well, students don’t feel like they are progressing when they try to study any language.

B- True or false?
B1: False: “Those choosing to study languages may have dropped”
B2: True: “Almost 20% already speak another language at home with their family”
B3: True: “Students said that job prospects at home and abroad were both key incentives”
B4: False: “As for teaching inside the classroom, young people want more interaction, and more technology”

a) If the football club had not put the prices up, they would not have stopped going to the matches.
b) Normal players can be taught by a good coach to improve a lot.
c) Michael told me that he had really enjoyed the concert and the time we had spent together.
d) When did the students usually take a language at GCSE?

            a) Compulsory
            b) Attitudes
            c) Downsides
            d) Perceive
            e) Opportunity

4) Advantages and disadvantages of having to learn foreign languages:
Many students at university have the chance to study a foreign language, but most choose another subject. Really, what are the advantages or disadvantages to learn a language?
On the one hand, nowadays speaking more than a language open up doors to a lot of opportunities in your professional and social life: ability to communicate with people of different countries, work abroad... Furthermore, to find a work, having in your resume that you know to speak more languages than the yours adds points when it is time to choose between you and others.
On the other hand, studying a language imply spend a lot of time and, sometimes, this waste of time does not worth it. Added to that, when you study a new language, you often experiment many difficulties and speaking fluent often is not be accomplished in many years.

In conclusion, if you need a work or go abroad for anything many times over your life, the effort of learn a language will be worth. But, in my opinion, if you have your life in your country and your vocation doesn't need any foreign language, studying another thing that helps to your career will be more useful than kill yourself learning a language.

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